[The BEST Selections] Which and Where to Buy Cough Drops in Japan?

Posting date: 2023.10.16
[The BEST Selections] Which and Where to Buy Cough Drops in Japan?

Cough drops (throat lozenges) are effective in relieving throat discomfort and pain. In Japan, various manufacturers sell a variety of flavors such as mint, yuzu, honey, and matcha.

They also come in a variety of designs, from Japanese-style packaging to character ones, and are recommended as souvenirs. Of course, you can also try them if you experience throat discomfort while traveling in Japan.

Therefore, this time we will introduce the popular "cough drops" that can be easily purchased at convenience stores in Japan.


Contains Manuka Honey from New Zealand
"Tatakau Manuka Honey" by Kanro

"Tatakau Manuka Honey" is a popular cough drops that contains 31 kinds of Japanese and Chinese ingredients as well as Manuka honey from New Zealand.

Manuka honey has antibacterial and antioxidant properties, and sucking on this candy is very useful when you have a cold, as it can help relieve discomfort.

This is a candy that you should always have at home.

A delicious cough drop that replenishes vitamin C
"VC-3000 throat candy" by NOBEL

"VC-3000 throat candy" contains 3000mg of vitamin C (equivalent to the juice of 150 lemons) in one bag. Contains 12 types of herbs such as peppermint, sage, and thyme, quince extract, and vitamins B1 and B2, making it recommended when you feel a little tired or want to refresh a bit.

Since it is a sugar-free type, it is healthy cough drops that is great for people who are concerned about calories.

"Kooi Blueberry" by Asahi Group Foods

Using wild blueberry juice and puree, the original deliciousness of the ingredients is tightly confined.
Not only does it soothe the discomfort in your throat, but it's also delicious!

In addition, the bilberry extract and anthocyanin contained in blueberries are said to be good for eye health, protecting vision and relieving tired eyes.

Born over 200 years ago
"Ryukakusan Nodoame" by Ryukakusan

"Ryukakusan Nodoame (Ryukakusan throat candy)" is developed based on the concept of "Ryukakusan," a throat medicine that was created more than 200 years ago and is still used by many people today. Contains Ryukakusan herb powder, which uses whole herbs using a special manufacturing method.

You can enjoy a refreshing feeling when you use your throat too much, when your throat feels dry, or when you want to refresh your mood.

An exquisite combination of milk and mint!
"Xylicrystal Milk Mint Nodoame"

“Xylicrystal Milk Mint Throat Lozenge”
is an addictive combination of milk and mint. It is a sugar-free candy that gives you a cooling sensation from start to finish.

You can enjoy the refreshing flavor while soothing the discomfort in your throat.

"Asada Ame Shittori Nodoame" by Asadaame

The history of Asada Ame (Asada candy) begins in 1890, when Asada Sohaku, a master of Chinese medicine, handed over a prescription that added herbal medicine to "mizu-ame (starch syrup)".

Inspired by this, they used "starch syrup-style Keihi paste" and added four ingredients: licorice, quince, chamomile, and bellflower to create "Asada Ame Shittori* Nodoame." *Shittori=moist

Contains herbal extract and milk
"Nodo ni Sukkiri" by Kasugai Seika

Kasugai Seika's "Nodo ni Sukkiri (literally 'Refresh the throat')" is a mellow, easy-to-lick throat candy made with 13 types of herbal extracts and plenty of condensed milk from Hokkaido.

It is shaped like a scallop and has an impressive appearance. It's easy to eat and recommended for people who don't like regular throat lozenges!

"Jabara Nodoame" by UHA Mikakuto

"Jabara Nodoame (Jyabara throat candy)" made with Jabara (Jabara citrus famous in Wakayama) fruit juice from Kitayama Village, Wakayama Prefecture.

"Jabara" is said to be good for seasonal itchiness, and one bag contains 153mg of Jabara peel powder (11mg of Narirutin).

Furthermore, it is low in calories by cutting sugar by 50%. It is a cough drop with a refreshing taste.

"Kenkou Nodoame Ume" by Kanro

"Kenkou Nodoame Ume (healthy throat candy plum flavor)" is a delicious cough drop made with 31 kinds of ingredients (Japanese and Chinese ingredients) and the pickled honey plum.

It uses plum juice and plum flesh extract from Kishu, and is carefully made using a method that does not impair the flavor of plums.

"Karin Nodoame" by Lotte

"Karin Nodoame (Karin throat candy)" is made using quince carefully grown on Japanese soil. They use 13 kinds of herbal extracts and peppermint essential oil, each carefully selected and blended by Lotte from all over the world. A throat candy that packs the deliciousness of the ingredients into one tablet.


This time we introduced "cough drops" that can be easily purchased at convenience stores.
Please use this as a reference when buying one!


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