
Beautiful Summer Memories (by Rinako, with Love)




New York City – The city that never shuts up.

What took me by surprise in the city is just how loud it is. Explosive sirens, cars honking, old couples arguing in public outside, and street dancers in the subway using their speakers that blare louder than your earphones. That said, the presentation of the quintessential NYC in theaters is pretty close to what I’m experiencing here.



I must admit, although there are bed bug problems (it’s NYC), I am pretty satisfied with my spacious, picturesque apartment. Well, that is except for the explosive noise I mentioned earlier. The street across my apartment is a dead end, and has become a favorite hangout for Hip Hop meet-ups. Their rap battles go on until 3 in the morning – I can hear each and every lyric all the way up to my bedroom on the 5th floor.

As I fall asleep to the rhythm of their chorus, I dream of going to a world of silence.


Stone Ridge – Nestled in the mountains of Hudson Valley

Stone Ridge is located 1.5 hours north of Manhattan – referred to me by my friend, it is basically a 180 from the “New York” I know. Only 30 minutes into our drive north from Manhattan, we had already come across small towns which made us wonder if we were still in New York. When we arrived at our destination we were surrounded by lush forests and farmland everywhere we looked.

幼少期から住んでいたカルフォルニアからこっちに移り住んで4年経つさくらさんが、「Welcome to country side」と満面の笑みとハグで歓迎してくれた。初対面なのに、ずっと昔から親しい友人だったかのような彼女の魅力に圧倒される。

“Welcome to the countryside!”
We were greeted by Sakura, who is originally from Japan. She grew up in California since she was fourteen and transplanted herself to the Hudson Valley 4 years ago. With a big hug and an endless smile, she welcomed us in a way that felt like a reunion of old friends. I felt immediately at home in her presence.


As we arrived into the building, Sakura gave us a full tour. The interior is mainly made from wooden materials that bring warmth to the space. With 4 bedrooms and 2 baths it’s large enough to house 8 people. As we went through the long hallway and entered the living space…



All we could say was “WOW!”. The spacious living area has large open windows that gently bring in the sunshine. Just seeing the large, free-form, open dining room and kitchen topped by a sweeping curved balcony got us excited to make dinner that evening!



After we settled down, Sakura treated us to her wine tasting. From crushing the grapes to the creation of their labels, every process has been hand (or should I say feet?) made by Sakura and her partner Dan who is an artist and vintner. Besides the home being filled with his sculptures and paintings, all of the wine labels feature his artwork.

I am no wine connoisseur myself, but this experience had me captivated by the magic of wine.


As we got a little wine-happy and continued our girl talk, we began discussing farm life. “Country life is hard. This big garden needs a lot of TLC – especially because it’s all organic. Would you like to try some of our veggies?” A glass of wine in one hand, we walked through the orchard to garden beds where colorful, fresh veggies awaited. We were surrounded by scents of grass, flowers and refreshing country air.


“Take as much as you like!”
We were gifted fresh tomatoes, Nasu (Japanese eggplant), shishito, and the most flavourful basil.


We began cooking our dinner along with pasta brought from the city. Paired with the wine we weregiven and the help of the chef friend of mine, it tasted like the most delicious meal I’ve ever made!


【HUDSON Sailing】
mail:[email protected]
instagram: Dan @hudson.sailing & @danfeldman.studio / Sakura @saksox


住所:93 Kyserike Road Stone Ridge, NY 12484
Phone: 845.667.1394


神奈川県横浜市出身。2018年より渡米。日本でファション誌の編集者として勤務した後、現在は、ニューヨーク マンハッタンにあるアート学校でグラフィックデザインを学ぶ。

