"Handa Morita Furniture," approximately 6600 square meters large interior shop 

Posting date: 2020.01.09

3rd floor: You can try out the comfort of various beds 

3F floor

3F floor

3F floor

The 3rd floor is a floor centered on beds. The bed corner also has as many products as bedding specialty stores. From popular brands such as "SIMMONS", "Sealy", and "France Bed" to well-designed bed frames, you can find the bed that best suits your room design and lifestyle. .



NIHON BED (Nippon Bed Manufacturing)

NIHON BED (Nippon Bed Manufacturing)

Similar to the 2nd floor, there are booths for famous domestic and foreign brands.

bed corner

bed corner

The bed corner also hid a Handa Morita Furniture's point that they wanted you to experience first. That is, the price tag is small! The size is chosen in the hope that visitors will not judge the price, but first check the comfort of the bed before considering the price.

Certainly, if the price is too high, you may decide that you can't buy it before you try it.

bed corner

And they have a wide range of items in a wide price range so that they can propose to those who have actually tried it and realized its goodness, but it is too expensive.

bed corner

Another point is that there are almost no comforters or covers. This is also the commitment of Handa Morita Furniture, which wants you to actually experience the comfort of sleeping. You want to make sure the bed is actually comfortable. It's nice to be able to try all these beds at once!

Morita Furniture

We are in an era where you can buy anything on the Internet, but there are many charms and good things that you can understand by actually experiencing it. We think that furniture is particularly strong in such elements.At Handa Morita Furniture, you can actually try on furniture while drinking coffee, having a meal, or reading a book. First of all, please actually experience various furniture.

About 40 minutes by car from Nagoya. How about going to Handa City this weekend to enjoy the interior?

Spot Details

[Handa Morita Furniture]
Address: 1-60 Kandacho Handa City Aichi Prefecture
Phone number: 0569-21-2969
Business hours: 10:00-19:00
Regular holiday: Wednesday
Parking: Private parking on site



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