[Tenpaku] The Tokai region's first pitching academy specializing in elementary school students: "Pitching Foundation - Building the Basics of Pitching" - Improve your pitching speed and develop a form that prevents injury!

[Tenpaku] The Tokai region's first pitching academy specializing in elementary school students: "Pitching Foundation - Building the Basics of Pitching" - Improve your pitching speed and develop a form that prevents injury!

名古屋市天白区にある「Pitching Foundation(ピッチング ファンデーション)」は名古屋市守山区のBe an Elite代表を務める松本憲明が小学生の為に考案。小学4年生〜中学3年生までを対象とした野球アカデミーです。

The representative is Matsumoto Noriaki, who played for Tokushima in the Shikoku Island League (IL).

He was inspired by the teaching methods of former major leaguer Beymel, who teaches at the pitching academy "Beymel Elite Athletics" in Los Angeles, and opened a baseball academy. It is also a sister store of "Be an Elite Baseball Academy" in Moriyama Ward, which specializes in improving pitching speed.

This time, we will introduce the appeal of the "Pitching Foundation" in detail.

"Pitching Foundation" exterior

"Pitching Foundation" exterior

Pitching Foundation is located in Tempaku ward, Nagoya City. It is about a 7-minute walk from Hara Station on the subway. There are more than 10 parking spaces available, so those who come by car can feel at ease.

The Pitching Foundation provides practice from the perspective of pitching form to solve concerns such as wanting to increase pitch speed and lack of pitching fundamentals.

You will also learn pitching form to avoid injury.

Inside "Pitching Foundation"

Inside "Pitching Foundation"

There are benches within the facility so you can watch your children practice.

Correct pitching form by age 15

[Representative: Noriaki Matsumoto]
Born in Gifu Prefecture. Graduated from Aichi Institute of Technology Meiden High School. Dropped out of Toyo University.
2016-2017 Tokushima Indigo Socks
2018-2019 USA
Participated in Koshien three times. Won the Independent League Monthly MVP in 2016. Won the Independent League Japan Championship in 2017. Selected for the Independent League Selected Team. Fastest pitch: 151 km/h.


Matsumoto: "I was often asked by coaches and managers of elementary and junior high school students, "I want you to teach my students the basics of how to throw," or "There are so many kids on our team who don't have the basics, so I want you to teach them the basics first." 

I also often hear from parents of elementary and junior high school students with concerns such as, "My son's pitching technique is strange," or, "He can't pitch the ball fast enough, and he gets injured a lot." Six years have passed since I launched Be an Elite, and I have coached over 1,000 people, but most of the inquiries come from parents of elementary and junior high school students.

I wanted to solve these parents' problems as soon as possible. I wanted to make sure that their children will never have to worry about how to throw. That's why I launched this program."

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

− What is the difference between Be an Elite and Pitching Foundation? What are the characteristics of Pitching Foundation?

松本さん:「大きくことなるのは小学を対象にしていることです。pitching foundationではピッチングの基礎を徹底的に学んでいきます。


Since "correct form" leads to "injury-resistant" movement, we will improve poor form by the age of 15 and build a body that will allow the player to continue to enjoy baseball for a long time. Thorough training in the fundamentals of pitching will also lead to improved pitching and delivery.

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

-What kind of players do you want to develop and what are your goals for the future?

Matsumoto: "At Be an Elite, we aim to produce professional baseball players and major leaguers, but at the Pitching Foundation, we want the children who come to us to avoid injury and to become faster at pitching. That's our hope. We also want to help parents who are worried about their children's injuries or pitching style!

We will do our best to provide a place where players can grow as human beings through baseball, and we will do our best to help each player bring out his or her individuality and abilities to the fullest."

Four Features of the Pitching Foundation

① Explanation of the theory in a way that even a fourth grader can understand

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

pitching foundationが指導時に何より大切にしていることは”誰もが理解できるように教えること”。「軸脚で押せ」や「股関節に乗る」などの抽象的な表現は、小学生にはなかなか理解しづらいものです。

For example, what does it mean when baseball coaches say "ride on your hip"? In Pitching Foundation, we tell them to use their right leg as if they were jumping.

In addition, the coaches demonstrate in an easy-to-understand way, so even elementary school students can fully understand. By actually seeing and feeling with their bodies, children can learn the correct movements more quickly. At the academy, we place importance on teaching in a way that is easy for everyone to understand, and we all have fun building the foundations of baseball.

② 小学生が効率的に成長する為の分割練習法

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

小学生が効率的に成長するためには、分割練習法が効果的です。Pitching Foundationでは、「股関節に乗る」「並進運動」「着地」「リリース」の4つの観点から練習を行います。

Furthermore, by dividing these aspects into smaller parts and practicing them, it becomes easier for the players to understand "what they are practicing now and what they should be thinking about." In this way, players can efficiently focus on each part and improve their skills.

③ Always measure ball speed and quantify performance

Practice Scene

Pitching speed is an important indicator for evaluating a player's performance. At the Pitching Foundation, we measure pitching speed during each practice in the bullpen.

When pitching, we ask players for specific goals. (e.g. 'I want to increase my ball speed by five kilometres'). By setting a goal, you can ask yourself, "With what kind of awareness can I get faster?" "What is my current pitch speed?" and "What is my current ball speed?", it also improves your motivation to practice.

Of course, we will use the pitching speed data to adjust the technique and training content. If the pitching speed is not improving, we will review the pitching form and strengthen strength training.

④ Head coach has coached over 200 elementary and junior high school students!
Coach Tokunami has experience playing at Koshien

Coach Tokunami has experience playing at Koshien

Coach Tokunami has experience playing at Koshien

The head coach is Yuto Tokunami, who is highly trusted by the players. He is renowned for his excellent teaching skills and wealth of specialized knowledge, and has a proven track record of increasing a player's speed by 15km/h in just five months.

<Comment from the coach>

My name is Tokunami, and I am the Pitching Foundation coach.
If you want to increase your pitching speed or if you have any concerns about your pitching fundamentals, please feel free to leave all your worries to me!

My goal is to make as many people as possible think that baseball is fun. Baseball will be more fun when you can be more active, for example when you can throw the ball fast and get a lot of strikeouts and when you can send the ball like a laser beam from the outfield. 

I get excited when I imagine everyone doing well like this. To that end, I will do my best to share all my knowledge, experience, and thoughts.

Also, the fundamentals of pitching and throwing are determined in elementary and middle school. Many players who fail to master the fundamentals often injure their shoulders and elbows as they go to high school when they spend more time practicing. Even if you become a professional baseball player, the time you can play baseball is short in your life. I don't want them to spend that time injured. Let's make baseball fun together!

【Profile】 Born in Aichi Prefecture. Graduated Aichi Institute of Technology, Meiden University, Aichi Institute of Technology
Two-time Koshien (National High School Baseball Championship) player, Aichi University League Most Valuable Player. Every year during the off-season, he gives pitching coaching to professional baseball players and working professionals.

We actually observed the practice!

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

This time, we actually had the opportunity to observe the students practicing. On this day, four elementary school students were practicing.

pitching foundationでは、小学4年生〜中学3年生までが在籍をしています。

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

First, they will start by warming up thoroughly to loosen up the body.

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

After warming up, they will practice net throwing using the speed ring.
By placing the ring when practicing pitching, you can practice while checking that you are stepping properly in the direction of the throw.

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

When doing this, check your body balance and form while throwing. Net throwing is a simple practice method, but by repeatedly practicing throwing while checking your form, you will steadily improve.

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

After the net throw, they review the students' pitching form. The coach gives a lecture on the key points to using the "flexibility" of the whole body to throw.


Practice Scene

Practice Scene

Next up is pitching practice!
At this time, students set their own goals and throw 15 balls each.

At each lesson, they always measure the speed of your ball so that you can visibly see your own progress. By comparing yourself with your old self, you will be able to increase your motivation.

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

Under the call of the coach Tokunami, everyone throws in as hard as they can.

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

At the same time as practicing pitching, students throw to the net until it is their turn. While being aware of the nets placed on both sides, they will throw with the correct form in mind.

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

The last throw is the straight down throw, in which the ball is slammed to the ground with a bang.
This is an exercise in weight transfer, as the ball cannot be thrown well directly down unless the weight is placed firmly on the foot that steps into the ground.

Practice Scene

Practice Scene

The 50-minute practice session is over in a flash!

Through the practice, many students have seen visible results, such as "My pitching speed has increased" or "My control has become more stable."

If your ball speed is slow, your control is poor, or you want to improve, please consult with "Pitching Foundation"! 

Lesson fee plan

Annual membership fee: ¥5,500 (once a year) No joinning fee
Elementary school students: 4 times/month 50min ¥13,200 ¥3,300/time

[Lesson Content]
Warm-up: 10 minutes
Net throw 15 minutes
Pitching and net throwing 25 minutes


Free trial lesson!

Group photo of students

Group photo of students

The Pitching Foundation is offering free trial lessons to a limited number of five people per month.Those who take part in the trial lesson can practice to build their pitching form and get advice on their current pitching form.

Please take this opportunity to take a lesson.

▼Reservations for elementary school students can be made here

Spot Details

▼Official website



[Pitching Foundation]
Address: 2-902 Iguchi Tempaku ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
Phone number: 070-9269-2820
Parking available

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