[Let's walk on The Cultural Path] "Former Sasuke Toyoda Residence", a Younger Brother of Sakichi Toyoda

Posting date: 2019.01.07

The ventilation opening with the crane and tortoise mark
Western-style reception room

drawing room

drawing room


The reception room of the Western-style house is located immediately after entering the entrance. As the residence of Sasuke Toyoda, who was active as a businessman, the room is lavishly furnished to welcome guests. The key feature of the room is the lighting, which is reminiscent of lotus buds. The hanging base is also finely decorated.

Air vent

In the drawing room, be sure to look up at the ceiling.

The highlight of this room is the "design of the ventilation opening" on the ceiling. The motif is a congratulatory crane and turtle, and the three characters "to", "yo" and "da" are used.

Learn about the history of the Toyoda clan
Japanese style room on the 1st floor

Japanese-style room

Japanese-style room


There are four Japanese-style rooms on the first floor, and they are large enough to hold a wedding ceremony if the fusuma (sliding doors) are open. It is said that business meetings with guests were held here. The luxurious golden fusuma have been preserved as they were in those days.

You can learn about the history of the Toyoda clan by displaying the family tree of the Toyoda family and related items.

Spot Details

[Former Sasuke Toyoda residence]
Address :3-8 Chikara-cho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
Phone number :052-972-2780
Business hours : 10:00-15:30
Closed: Mondays (or the following day if Monday is a national holiday) / December 29 - January 3


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