10 recommended family outing spots in Hekinan - you can go on a day trip from Nagoya!  

Hekinan City
Posting date: 2020.01.28

All-you-can-eat local produce for local consumption!
"Farmer's Restaurant Hana no Ya"

Farmer's Restaurant Hana no Ya

Farmer's Restaurant Hana no Ya

For those who want to enjoy the taste of Hekinan even more, we recommend "Farmer's Restaurant Hana no Ya". A buffet restaurant where you can enjoy plenty of local produce for local consumption.

As the name "Farmer's Restaurant" suggests, the vegetables are harvested from their own garden. Fresh vegetables, mainly organic vegetables, are delivered every morning from their own garden and local farmers.

Farmer's Restaurant Hana no Ya

Farmer's Restaurant Hana no Ya

Farmer's Restaurant Hana no Ya

Carrot som tam salad

Carrot som tam salad

Tomato salad

This is the tomato salad that many people come to the restaurant for!

sausage or ham

You can also taste freshly made sausages and hams from "Handmade Ham and Sausage Studio Schweinheim".

The table in the center is lined with delicious-looking dishes!

carrot juice

And carrot juice is recommended during the cold season! !

Hekinan carrots are squeezed whole to make juice. You can't help but say, "What? Is it really just carrots?"  This is a must-try.

All of them look delicious, so I'm at a loss. Part of the appeal of a buffet is the excitement of choosing your dishes.

We had our fill of the deliciousness of Hekinan! The carefully prepared dishes will not only satisfy your tummy but also your heart.

[Farmer's Restaurant Hana no Ya]
Address: 6-70 Kawaguchicho, Hekinan City, Aichi Prefecture
Phone number: 0566-41-8544
Business hours: Lunch 11:00-15:30 (L.O 14:00)
Closed: Last Friday of every month (closed during the year-end and New Year holidays)


Carefully handcrafted using German methods
"Handmade ham and sausage studio Schwein Heim"

Handmade ham and sausage studio Schweinheim

Handmade ham and sausage studio Schweinheim

Next, go to “Handmade Ham and Sausage Studio Schwein Heim” next to “Farmer's Restaurant Hana no Ya”.

The founder, Kazuko Shimojima, originally ran a pig farm with her family. She opened Schwein Heim in 1989 with the idea of "using the pork to make real ham and sausages." Each one is carefully handcrafted using the authentic recipe that she studied in Germany alone.

Handmade ham and sausage studio Schweinheim

cherry chips

The handmade bacon is made from high-quality locally-produced pork ribs with delicious fat that is aged for over 10 days. Slowly smoked with cherry chips. It is a gem enough to win a gold medal in a contest sponsored by the DLG (German Agricultural Association).

fresh bacon

If you visit Schwein Heim, you should try the freshly made bacon at least once. Freshly made bacon is not easy to get. It is sold by weight from around 11:30 on Mondays and Thursdays only.

The flavor soaks into the meat, and the moment you put it in your mouth, the umami spreads out. It is of course delicious sautéed as is, but if you add it to soup, the umami of the bacon will make a superb soup! Oden is also recommended during the cold season.

Here's the news!

Hekinan City is currently holding a stamp rally to collect stamps while eating cheese dishes under the title of "Hi! CHEESE!" Cheese sausage from Schwein Heim is also eligible for this event, so be sure to check it out.

[Handmade ham and sausage studio Schwein Heim]
Address: 6-70 Kawaguchicho, Hekinan City, Aichi Prefecture
Phone number: 0566-41-9153
Business hours: 9:00-17:30
Regular holiday: Sunday


Life Designs is a lifestyle media that disseminates information on the theme of "making life in the Tokai area (Aichi, Gifu, Mie) more enjoyable".

We would like it to be a media that is close to the readers' daily lives, such as outings and lunch references. It is run by editorial staff who devote themselves to food, outings, and hobbies every day. While living in the Tokai area, we will deliver through the media the things and places we encountered and things that touched our heartstrings.

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